Saturday, January 31, 2009


I am leaving Utah to go back home. I really NEED to stay to help Becky. It's not with the baby that she needs help, it is with the other two boys! I went to lunch with my best friend, Karlyn Norton, yesterday and this is what happened while I was gone!
This is told by Rebecca herself:

"Today I had my first outing with all three by myself - we took Ty to the lab to get his blood drawn. It was a 30 minute trip, and actually went fairly smooth: Clark cried the whole time because he couldn't see the nurse drawing the blood, then he got mad and smacked the nurse on the bum thinking it was me. I told Clalrk to apologize to the nurse and he refused. Drew kept climbing up on a chair to try and see what was going on, and kept leaning all over the nurse for support - I kept having to take him down. Ty didn't like being poked, and so he cried the whole time too. I tried to give him a pacifier, but he can't keep it in his mouth very well - so it kept popping out. Between chastizing Clark for spanking the nurse, and trying to keep Drew off the chair, and trying to keep Ty quiet, nothing got accomplished except for the blood draw. I think the nurse was glad to see us go. :o) See? Very successful :o)"


1 comment:

Andrew, Amy, Evelyn& Owen said...

Mom's are the best Aunt Chris! I bet Becky loved every second you were there! With Liesel due in not too long you'll be back soon!